Environmental assessments and management plans are usually required for land development applications/approvals for subdivisions and land re-zoning.
Examples include:
Subdivision assessments – environmental constraints
Assessing significant environmental values
Land Suitability and Capability
Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP)
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
EcOz prides itself in having good working relationships with the NT Government Departments responsible for assessing land development applications. We appreciate that the approvals process can be seen as a burden but we have been able to achieve successful outcomes for clients in a time and cost-effective manner.
For most subdivisions, the developer is required to perform an assessment of potential environmental constraints, which usually includes a Land Suitability Assessment (LSA) and where there is not reticulated sewage, a Land Capability Assessment (LCA). EcOz is experienced in assessing, documenting and delivering all the environmental components for these assessments. Furthermore, EcOz advises clients on the government process and next steps.
In some cases, a proposed development may be considered to have, or potentially have, significant environmental values. Examples include 'Priority Environmental Management Areas', such as lagoons, wetlands, drainage systems, riparian zones and flora/fauna of conservation significance (e.g. listed as endangered. Our ecology team includes expert flora and fauna ecologists, who have substantial experience with local habitats and species and can therefore confidently assess the potential impacts of a given project in a local context.
An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) is often required as part of the regulatory approval process to ensure that soil erosion and mobilisation of sediments is minimised during construction of a development. EcOz has experienced Environmental Consultants with formal ESCP training and our documents are prepared in accordance with relevant guidelines. We develop ESCP's that are tailored to suit the scope of a given project (e.g. from fire breaks to large-scale mining developments) and pride ourselves in providing practical and cost-effective measures that meet both regulatory and developer expectations.
An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) outlines a developments environmental impacts and how these will be managed. An EMP can take the form of a compilation document covering a range of potential aspects/impacts or be in the form of a stand-alone document for a specific environmental issue, such as a Weed Management Plan. A high-quality EMP will demonstrate to regulatory authorities that a proponent is aware of their potential environmental impacts and pro-active in their management and in many cases, will have a significant bearing on the timeline for approvals and/or the level of regulatory requirements placed on a project. EcOz has developed EMP's for a range of developments, such as crocodile farms, concrete batch plants, abattoirs and the resource industries (e.g. extractives, oil/gas, mining and mineral exploration).